Academic calendar
Necessary documents which must be completed before arriving:
After you have been nominated by your home University, you need to complete your application pack and send it to us in one email to by the deadline.
There is ONE DEADLINE for sending us the Application documents:
– the 15th of June – for full academic year as well as for winter/summer semester;
Below you will find your application documents to complete:
Learning Agreement can be sent to us via e-mail or via OLA.
Please pay attention for four facts:
- You MUST NOT choose and bind together the courses from preclinical years 1st, 2nd, 3rd – with courses from clinical years 4th, 5th;
- Courses from 6th Year will be very limited to participate in and they are available only to the 6th year students;
- To take the final exam of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics or Surgery, you must attend in all sub-courses. If you decide to attend only few sub-courses, you will get a single credit with grade;
- To be able to take the courses from the 5th Year of Dentistry, it requires from you practical preparation (working with patient at your home University).
Do not forget to enclose to your e-mail:
- An official Transcript of Records
(a record of all courses taken and grades achieved at your home University); - The copy of certificate of Vaccinations against: hepatitis B and health certificate, which allows you to practice at the hospital;
- Non-EU citizens copy of visa or residence card;
- One photograph in PDF File.
Important! A citizen of a non-EU/EEA country can enter the territory of Poland on the basis of a valid travel document (passport) and a visa (if required). A citizen of a non-EU country has to obtain the visa from the consulate of Poland in his/her country of residence. The short-term visa entitles to stay in Poland up to 3 months, the long-term visa – up to 1 year.
Educational offer for Medicine Students:
Educational offert for Dentistry Students:
Remember to prepare your Learning Agreement carefully, and prepare it with paying attention not only to the program but also to ECTS points.
We also kindly ask you not to bind together the courses from preclinical years I,II,III- with courses from clinical years IV, V.
Changes in the Learning Agreement are possible:
- in 1st (winter) semester – until the end of October.
- in 2nd (summer) semester – until the end of January.
After receiving your application, your Learning Agreement will need to be approved.
We will contact you if there are any problems with your Learning Agreement.
Once we have approved your study program and check with updated timetables, we will send it back to you signed.
Optional private accommodation
Insurance for EU Citizens
All Students are obligated to have an European Health Insurance Card which gives possibility to use Public Medical Centres without incurring costs. Other useful information about EHIC You can find on below website:
Medical University of Lodz obligatory insurance
After your arrival to Łódź and before the classes will start, all Students are obliged to buy insurance from our website:
[Please follow this link and click on „register” (top of the page).
During the registration You will be asked to fill the :
Department Please choose – Centrum ds. Organizacji Studiów w języku Angielskim.
Specialization Please choose „lekarski” for Medicine and „lekarsko-dentystyczny” for Dentistry
Year a Please choose „I st year”
After Your Registration You will receive an e-mail than You follow the link from e-mail, register and click INSURE on the top of the page.
Remember to change nationality for other in the data form! ]
IMPORTANT! Please, do not forget to send me the copy of the insurance (with policy number) via a-mail within 7 days after your arrival.
In the early days, please visit us in the International Relations Office making an arrangement by e-mail (
We will arrange a Student Card and Student Badge for you and will try to help you with all issues concerning your stay at our University.
The Department Coordinator will help you with academic issues.
Practical information:
We recommend to acquainted with information about ISIC Card which Students can obtain in the home country.
Legalization of stay – important matters
General information about Poland
General information about Lodz:
Contact person:
Marta Polak